Friday, August 14, 2009

Undies from Shop Rite

   Ok. I'm now ashamed at what I've done. I have stooped to a new level and bought under ware at the most convenient of places- the grocery store. Of course, I have to defend myself: I am the product of the Walmart & Target Super Stop and Shop mentality. It was not my intention to buy under ware when I went in for milk and peanut butter. I'm not going to beat myself up over it, and I pride myself on being aware of the situation. I vow not to let it get out of hand as I ponder the bra selection at King Kullen.


  1. Thank you for giving me the funniest 5 minutes I've had today, Cara! :)

  2. You have finally made it!!!Welcome to the world of being a mother, wife, friend, scholar, domestic, wise woman and don't forget "Cara" has yet to fully emerge! You are beautiful and always will be. MomXXXXX
