Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Closet Quick Fix

Asking the kids to put their shoes in the entry-way closet has become a hog pile of stinky shoes. They were also unable to hang up their coats and backpacks since the rod was too high, so those were flung on the floor or over the stair railing. Instead of waiting for an over-designed and costly solution, I ran to Bed Bath & Beyond yesterday. 

Hog Pile:

I grabbed 2 of these shoe racks that mount over the bar with velcro. Real Simple has a whole line of organizers now and they are really well made. I paid $24. each and there's still room for more pairs. 

I also grabbed 2 ready-made hook racks for $20. each and installed to the far left of closet for coats & bags. Now the kids can reach easily. Just thought I'd share since simple jobs like this thrill me. 

 Fire starter paper:

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