Jonathan Adler came out with the sweetest collection of stickers and labels. Just for me I assume. I snatched the book up today for a mere $10.50. It made my day.
Many of you are aware of my love of anything Jonathan Adler. I wish I could decorate my entire world with his wares. Surpassing my love for anything J.A., is my deep, long relationship with stickers. We go way back. The major sticker heist of second grade defined my unhealthy urge to possess mass amount of them. Confession: I emptied my teacher's entire filing cabinet of carefully filed-by-occasion stickers into my Stayin' Alive back back. I was caught red handed, returned them to Ms. Thompson, head held very low.
That incident increased my desire for anything sticker related: gift tags, label makers, wall decals. My parents could not afford to buy nonsense like stickers, so I set out to acquire them with any money I earned from babysitting. At the height of the craze, I was in 5th grade. My collection grew, but was never up to speed with the gals I like to call "The Gottesman Group". They know who they are. They would lug around overstuffed photo albums filled with sheets of stickers to trade at recess. Puffies, goggly eyes, Smurfs, metallic rainbows, scratch-n-sniff, Hello Kitty, all very desirable and expensive. You remember:

I would do just fine with my little clique who had similar sticker books of Halmark brand Thanksgiving turkeys, Easter bunnies, and incentive stickers peeled from homework "Great Job! Excellent!" I even collected the free stickers sent in the mail from The Wildlife Fund. They were cute. Can't forget the 2 bumper stickers that never got traded: "I heart NY" and "Keep on Truckin" I kept those towards the back of the book. I think my Grandma gave them to me thinking they were amazing jumbo stickers. Very sweet of her.
Oh well, nothing makes me happier than finding something affordable, stylish and memory evoking. Thank you very much, J.A. these far surpass any sticker I could buy back in 5th grade and they are not for trade. I only wish they were scratch-n-sniff.